Author : Marck

Date : Dec 22,2022

NFT games have experienced an unprecedented increase in financing and player engagement

Due to the global popularity of blockchain gaming, NFT games have experienced an unprecedented increase in financing and player engagement, with millions of players now becoming addicted to these fresh titles.

Since everyone is vying to capitalize on the blockchain gaming craze, mainstream brands have also become aware of this trend. However, there is a worry that NFT games are being attacked by bots to increase utility data.

An anti-fraud protection bot that audited 60 NFT games to see how many players were actually playing them raised concerns after discovering that there were roughly 20,000 bots playing across the 60 games.

The bot was able to link different wallets back to their associated projects or services by carefully examining wallet ownership. They were able to determine which wallets were linked to each project or service thanks to this.

With some NFT games having an astounding 80% or more of their user base being bots, bot infiltration is a big issue in the web3 market. Even DeFi projects aren't safe from these evildoers, as the bots try to take advantage of referral programs to defraud users and steal money.

Bots Have Long Been a Source of Concern

In online games, especially those featuring rare items, skins, or competitive ratings, bot accounts have been a significant problem. Additionally, it appears that bot makers are making every effort to manipulate NFT games because value is often associated with them.

Wherever there is value, dishonest creators will use bots to attempt to control the system. Gamers can set up many wallets to try and defeat Web3 because it requires wallets.

According to Omar Ghanem, Head of Gaming at Polkastarter Gaming, the problem will continue as long as NFT games have a "click to earn" mentality.

According to Ghanem, "bots will continue to exist as long as we have games that are fundamentally click-to-earn by design, with token farming through task repetition at the core of their gaming loop."

Polkastarter Gaming's emphasis has been on supporting high quality, skill-based, and competitive games with no entrance restrictions because of this.

The play-to-earn gaming model is being abandoned by companies like Polkstarter Gaming because the crypto gaming industry recognizes it as a problem. Instead of using this strategy, there is a move toward a play-and-earn culture, which eliminates a significant barrier to entry by allowing players to start playing without the need for money.


Bots have been an issue ever before value ownership in gaming started, but the average of 40% of bot accounts in the NFT gaming sector is a serious worry. Furthermore, even if the inflated numbers can help developers in the near term, they are not encouraging for the sector.

Thankfully, companies like Polkastarter Gaming are moving away from the play-to-earn model and toward the play-and-own one, which is removing barriers for players who are not crypto gamers to enter. A bot clean up will assist the NFT gaming industry advance as it is projected to be one of the largest Web3 industries.