Author : Mark

Date : Dec 05,2022

Statement was made by the Billionaire during a television interview

Apple, according to Elon Musk, has "completely restarted" Twitter advertising. This statement was made by the billionaire during a television interview. On November 28, Musk was questioned by a reporter. Apple has threatened to delist the iOS client from the App Store and "nearly entirely stopped advertising on Twitter." Are they opposed to free speech? Musk invited his supporters to participate in his censorship, and they did.

Following the incident in Colorado Springs on November 19, Apple temporarily ceased Twitter advertising. After shootings and disasters, brands typically reduce their Twitter advertising, primarily because they don't want their products to be displayed next to tweets about human tragedy, according to the outlet.

We cleared up the confusion on Twitter possibly being taken down from the App Store, he wrote in a post. Tim made it plain that Apple had never given the idea any thought. Musk said that on Saturday, Apple was the biggest advertiser on Twitter. Musk acknowledged the day's sponsors.

Similar to Zo Schiffer of Platformer Amazon also disclosed plans for a Saturday relaunch of Twitter advertising. The enormous retail chain has promised to invest, on average, $100 million annually.

Data from Media Matters for America showed that Apple's spending has increased since Musk took over, according to information released on November 30. The drop did not completely stop between November 8 and November 21, albeit it did slow down. Despite this, it was noted that Apple spent $84,615.70 each day on November 28.

Elon Musk claims that Apple, which is Twitter's biggest advertiser, has resumed regular advertising investment. It's not clear, though, whether Apple truly cut back on its ad spending.